Dear Friends,
I know in my heart that we are blessed with many talented and caring people within our parish. I also sense that we have people that have yet to anything to get more involved. Perhaps there is a fear of commitment, or that you are already over-committed. In any case, the church needs you! We need people to come together to help build up the community of Christ here on earth. So, I am strongly encouraging all people reading this to pray over the needs listed below and see where or how you are able to help.
Please contact me directly with your ideas and suggestions. My email is [email protected] call 973-777-9313, Ext 223.
Blessings always in the Lord,
Fr. Peter
Some suggestions:
The Bereavement Support Group:
Are you a person that knows what it means to lose a loved one to death and are gifted in listening to other people that are suffering? Are you a trained counselor or social worker or a good hearted person? If so, we need you!
The goal of this group is to help those in need during the difficult times in their lives. When people lose a loved one to death, they are in pain and really need someone or a group that understands their heartache. This new ministry will enable us to reach out to those that are suffering and in need of a friend. Perhaps this group can meet weekly and or monthly.
The Saint Clare Prayer Warriors:
Many times people ask the parish to pray for their specific needs. I would like to establish a group of people that will be committed to daily prayer for priests, religious, seminarians, and countless many that are in need. Prayer is a great way to petition the Lord for guidance and help.
This group can lead Rosaries or Chaplets of Divine Mercy in the church prior to the masses or spend some time in silent prayer before the Blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist. In any-case, we need people that want to pray for those in need. We will set up a parish prayer chain line and emails will be send when a need arrive.
Saint Clare's Youth Group:
The lifeline for any parish is the establishment of youth group. We need the youth! We need them to get involved! I am looking for happy go-getter Catholics that want to do more to get young people involved in the church and to this important ministry.
Saint Clare Poor and Needy:
As a community we are called to give back to those in need. The purpose of this group is to get to know the needs of the community. I envision people doing volunteer work for those that are in need of love, prayers, and support. The main purpose of this group is to come up with parish wide volunteer activities that others can get involved with. This group will be responsible for planning and getting people involved in creative ways.
The Meet and Greeters:
When people enter our church for the first time do they feel welcomed? I think having a group of happy people greeting the people of God as they enter the church each weekend will help to make a world of difference in our community. This group will need to be organized in a way that all Sunday liturgies are covered. The assigned group will arrive early and say hello to everyone that enters our doors with a warm and kind smile.
The Hospitality Group:
Whatever happened to coffee-end after the Mass? I think it is time to resurrect this community builder event. I foresee a monthly coffee end greet rotating masses per month. This group will be responsible for organizing the entire event along with set up and clean up.
Finance Council Members Needed:
A finance council is set by the church as a way to ensure that we are good stewards of God's blessings. As a member of this council, one will help the pastor in making wise choices with financial matters for the parish community. Their main role is only to advise. The pastor will ultimately make the choice based on their advice or knowledge that only he knows as the pastor of the community.
We need a lawyer! We need accountants! We need finance people in the business world! We need knowledgeable people to guide us. The term is usually 2 years and may only be renewed for another 2 years. We will meet four times a year to go over the quarterly report and discuss possible upcoming spending.
Contact Father Peter, Pastor and Chair, today if you have these talents and may be interested.
Saint Clare Fundraisers :
Let’s be honest, the money collected weekly in the collection is not enough to run this parish community. We need to establish a group of creative, fun-loving, organized people that can help raise money for the parish so that we can get things fixed. Such items include roofs, sound systems, and lights ( to name a few).
The Cleaning Crew:
I would like to set up four cleaning groups that will take turns cleaning and organizing the church after the Masses on Sunday. This group will do some light dusting, throwing out trash, vacuuming the church floor, emptying the water fonts and cleaning it weekly, and watering plants. I need a team leader to organize this important task.
The Decoration Committee:
The Liturgical year is filled with so many beautiful seasons in the life of the church. We need creative people that can work as a team to help the priests decorate for Christmas, Easter, Confirmation, First Holy Communion, and the many other seasons of the year. We want our church to shine!
Ground Keepers:
Do you like to plant? Are into outdoor work? We need you! We need people to help with planting, watering, and giving some more curb appeal to our church community. This will include cleaning the outside where needed, pulling weeds, and helping with trash when needed.
Liturgical Committee:
We need willing people to be trained to set up and clean up after all Sunday Masses. The set up will include, lights, chalices, wine, bread, books, water, etc. After the Mass, cleaning all the vessels correctly with reverence and getting the next mass ready. A training session will have to happen to ensure that all is done correctly.
Let me know if there is anything listed above that may interest you!
Fr. Peter Glabik
973-777-9313 Ext> 223
Fr. [email protected]